This is George … he had cancer but they fixed him up. A lot of humans come and see Dad to get photos of their fur babies when something goes wrong.
ANYWAY, that’s not the point! George has got my Kong! I wasn’t aware of it at the time and when I saw this photo I was not happy … this is the Kong I take out side for a kick when Mum or Dad is at the clothesline. There seems to be one slight drawback with this though, I love my Kong so much that when they go to kick it I grab it and run away with it before they can!
Makes sense to me … if they kicked it, I would have to chase it and get it and bring it back which is really exciting and actually what I want but for some reason I just can’t bear to watch them kick it so I drop it near them and put on a sideways head and stare at them with stupid eyes as they inch closer … and just as they’re about to kick it I grab it and run away again … does anyone have any clues how I can stop doing this because i really want to CHASE THAT KONG but … but …. Oh I don’t know ….